Songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10
Songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10

songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10

She rejoins her fellow mages just in time to end up at the center of a political squabble. Is there another way? Elsewhere on the Continent, Yennefer is trying to figure out just how much of her own training is useful. But whatever the nature of the “uncontrollable power” that makes her into a monster magnet, it’s something Geralt and Ciri will need to discover together as she works toward what she can control: the discipline Geralt still hopes to instill. As Geralt puts his detective cap on, it’s clear the monsters are drawn to Ciri in some way - a thread the show will surely pay off in the episodes to come. It wouldn’t be a Witcher story without at least one good monster rearing its ugly head, so soon after they head back out to the woods together, Geralt and Ciri square off against the leshy that infected Eskel in the first place, and then a bigger monster that’s even harder to kill. “Do you know where they are now? In cemeteries.” “I have known many who wanted to be great fighters in my time,” he warns her.

songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10

Ciri is so angry about her powerlessness during the fall of Cintra that she’s attempting to jam a lifetime’s worth of training into a matter of weeks. But as he patches up her wounds, it becomes clear the displeasure isn’t that she couldn’t complete the course it’s that she doesn’t understand why she shouldn’t have tried. When Ciri gets up spitting blood, Geralt is displeased. At the very end, she slips off a platform and slams into the ground. By the time it looks like the bruised and bloodied Ciri might actually complete the course, even Geralt has shown up to watch her progress. He takes Ciri to an elaborate obstacle course in the mountains - swinging logs, spinning blades, the whole deal - and challenges her to complete it.Īt first, it doesn’t go well eventually, it starts to go better. It’s Lambert, sneering at the “pretty, pretty princess,” who has a more aggressive regimen in mind. But he and Vesemir soon get distracted by the business of laying Eskel to rest, and the other witchers take over.

songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10 songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10

Geralt’s training routine involves Ciri spending hour after hour practicing her sword swings against a straw dummy. Hollywood has a rich history of training montages, and by the time you’re reading this, some enterprising fan might already have recut Ciri’s American Ninja Warrior routine in this episode to “Eye of the Tiger.” But what’s interesting about this subplot isn’t that Ciri is developing the skills to become a witcher in her own right it’s that the show lets her fail in the process. You can’t be the princess of a country that doesn’t exist anymore - and if Geralt can make her into anything else, it’s a witcher. But it was still a form of playacting, and recent encounters with a bruxa and a leshy have made it clear it’s time for Ciri to actually become something else. It’s a skill that enabled Ciri to survive in the weeks after Cintra was destroyed - helped by commoners who didn’t recognize her as she dodged the enemies who were running around hunting a princess. Whenever she wanted to play games with the other kids in the street, she’d change into common clothes and masquerade as an ordinary Cintran citizen. Long before Cintra fell to a Nilfgaardian army, Princess Cirilla had learned to disguise her regal bearing.

Songs on lost girl season 3 episode 10