Al quran surah waqiah mp3
Al quran surah waqiah mp3

al quran surah waqiah mp3

You can read and hear Surah Al-Fatiha, Surah Al-Baqara, Surah Aal-e-Imran, Surah Taubah, Surah Ibrahim, Surah Al-Hajj, Surah Waqiah, Surah Al-Kauthar, Surah Al-Kafirun, Surah Quraish, Surah Ash-Shams Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falak, Surah An-Nas and all Quran e Pak Surah. Tafseer Quran are also available in audio so that we can listen to the tafseer on our cell phone or laptop.


Tafseer e Quran in English pdf can be read online written by scholars and based on Hadith and Sunnah.


Many English Translated Tafseer books are available which can be download and read offline.Many books written by scholars on Tafseer e Quran in Urdu are available online such as Tafsir ibn Khathir, Taqreer-e-Anwar al-Tanzil so on.Like the translation of Quran is done in many languages, same as tafseer e Quran is also done in many Asian, African and European languages for all the Muslims of the world.So, the tafsir bi-al-ra’y is done on the parameter of linguistics resources (considering place of revelation and historic context) and maqasid (considering socio-cultural environment and conditions in which the verses were revealed). However, there are certain conditions that needs to be adopted while doing tafsir to secure the true meaning of the verses. This method of interpretation is believed to be prohibited by the Muslims as it is based on one’s personal opinion.

al quran surah waqiah mp3 al quran surah waqiah mp3

Tafsir bi-al-ra’y which is also known as tafsir bi-al-diraya imply tafsir based on the opinion of commentators. The sources used for tafsir bi al-ma’thur are Quran, Hadith, Sahaba’s saying and Isra’iliyat. This is actually most used method in the history as all the other methods are criticised by scholars because they are not based upon Hadith or Sahaba’s sayings. Tafsir bi-al-ma’thur which is also known as tafsir bi-al-riwaya imply tafsir using Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.A.W)’s and His companion saying as well as other verses of Holy Quran. Tafsir is divided into two main categories depending upon the method of interpretation

  • Next, many scholars used many sources to explain most of the verses of Quran and several books on tafsir were published.
  • At that time the Tafsir was very concise and only some verses are narrated. Ibbn e Abbas also narrated Quran verses based on their knowledge of Arabic language. tafseer e Quran was done based on the Sunnah and hadith. Hazrat Abu Bakr interpreted the verses based on Muhammad (S.A.A.W)’s guideline.
  • Later on, Sahaba took the responsibility to provide explanation about Quran.
  • He also interpreted message through His words and observation called as Hadiths and through His Acts called Sunnah. Holy Prophet (S.A.A.W) decoded most of the verses for proper understanding of Muslims. Whenever any verses of holy Quran were revealed, Companion of the Prophet (S.A.A.W) asked for an explanation.

    al quran surah waqiah mp3

  • The process of explanation of verses of Quran e Pak begins with Holy Prophet (S.A.W)’s guide.
  • For the thorough understanding of what God tells to human beings, the verses of Holy Quran need to be decoded.
  • Tafseer e Quran also provide solution to issue about semantic, theology and shariah law. That’s why Quran e Pak Tafseer is required.
  • For complete interpretation, delineation, understanding and awareness of context of Islamic Structure, it is necessary to perceive the message of Allah in the best way.
  • Why Tafseer e Quran in Urdu is required?įor better understanding of Quran, we read tafseer which mean “To explain or to describe). Quran Majeed is the only Book which is translated into a hundred languages, learn and recited by millions of people and secured in its original form from several decades. Therefore, it directs humanity towards right path to achieve success in both worlds. The topic of Quran e Pak is “Human Being”. The Holy Quran is basically a book of guidance and complete package of living values and standard for all human beings.

    Al quran surah waqiah mp3